*Lavazza is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Nespresso
**Nescafè®, Dolce Gusto® and Melody I are third party trademarks with no connection with Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
*Lavazza is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Nespresso
**Nescafè®, Dolce Gusto® and Melody I are third party trademarks with no connection with Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
*Lavazza is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Nespresso
**Nescafè®, Dolce Gusto® and Melody I are third party trademarks with no connection with Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
*Lavazza is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Nespresso
**Nescafè®, Dolce Gusto® and Melody I are third party trademarks with no connection with Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
Lavazza and international Coffee Partners unite to help communities in Peru.
The International Coffee Partners (ICP) is a project founded by five leading European Coffee Companies, including Lavazza Group.
ICP believes in entrepreneurship, asks for the commitment of the farmers they work with and want to enable them to improve their livelihood.
Lavazza, together with International Coffee Partners, intervened in the areas of Peru where coffee production is still a novelty, supporting activities that strengthen the governance and management of farmers' organizations, creating transparent and well-functioning structures.
In particular, the regions north of Peru are relatively new areas for coffee producers.
Many farmers have settled in these areas as a result of government programs that have encouraged the use of these lands for the cultivation of coffee but, although it is an opportunity, it also presents several challenges due to the low level of organization and technical or financial support. As a result, productivity remains low, along with producers' incomes.
Lavazza's objectives are to increase producers’ incomes, improve well-being within the families of coffee producers and support the sustainable management of natural resources.